Monday, October 1, 2012

Display EXIF metadata in media library admin column

For anyone that uses wordpress for photography you should find this snippet useful. Adding this snippet to the functions.php of your wordpress theme will create a new column within the media library that will display EXIF metadata. Including, (credit, camera, focal length, aperture, iso, shutter speed, timestamp, copyright).

add_filter('manage_media_columns', 'posts_columns_attachment_exif', 1);
add_action('manage_media_custom_column', 'posts_custom_columns_attachment_exif', 1, 2);
function posts_columns_attachment_exif($defaults){
    $defaults['wps_post_attachments_exif'] = __('EXIF');
    return $defaults;
function posts_custom_columns_attachment_exif($column_name, $id){
        if($column_name === 'wps_post_attachments_exif'){
           $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
           if($meta[image_meta][camera] != ''){
           echo "CR:  ".$meta[image_meta][credit]."<hr />";
           echo "CAM:  ".$meta[image_meta][camera]."<hr />";
           echo "FL:  ".$meta[image_meta][focal_length]."<hr />";
           echo "AP:  ".$meta[image_meta][aperture]."<hr />";
           echo "ISO:  ".$meta[image_meta][iso]."<hr />";
           echo "SS:  ".$meta[image_meta][shutter_speed]."<hr />";
           echo "TS:  ".$meta[image_meta][created_timestamp]."<hr />";
           echo "C:  ".$meta[image_meta][copyright];

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