Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to add .pdf support to the WordPress media manager

By default, the built-in WordPress media manager allows you to filter media by three types: images, audio and video. But if you work a lot with .pdf files, you may need to add an option to filter .pdf files from the media manager. Here is a simple code snippet to do it.

Paste this code into your functions.php file. Save the file, and you're done.
function modify_post_mime_types( $post_mime_types ) {
// select the mime type, here: 'application/pdf'
// then we define an array with the label values
$post_mime_types['application/pdf'] = array( __( 'PDFs' ), __( 'Manage PDFs' ), _n_noop( 'PDF (%s)', 'PDFs (%s)' ) );
// then we return the $post_mime_types variable
return $post_mime_types;
} // Add Filter Hook
add_filter( 'post_mime_types', 'modify_post_mime_types' );

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